martedì 23 maggio 2017

Teaser Tuesday #86 | Horizon

Buon pomeriggio Lettori!  Torna come ogni martedì sul blog il Teaser Tuesday, un'occasione per sbirciare tra le letture e leggere qualche estratto, ma questa volta ho deciso di proporvi un estratto da un libro in lingua originale, in inglese per intenderci.
Come mai questa scelta? Bè, ho iniziato appena sette mesi fa a leggere in inglese e devo ammettere che se avessi letto prima qualche estratto avrei forse iniziato prima, proprio perchè non è difficile come sembra..alla fine è solo questione di allenamento, più si legge in inglese e più si memorizzano vocaboli, modi di dire e di scrivere e diventa sempre più facile! :) La mia idea è quindi di dare un'impressione della difficoltà di inglese dei vari libri che leggo e magari convincere chi ha "paura" di affrontare letture in inglese a dare una chance alle proprie capacità! ;)

Ma bando alle ciance, il libro che sto leggendo in questi giorni è Horizon, un fantascientifico/distopico di Tabitha Lord che mi sta molto appassionando e di cui vi parlerò presto in una recensione, ma nel frattempo ecco qui un estratto! ^^

When he woke, it was barely dawn. She was already up and clearly had been for a while. There was a small fire in the cave and another outside in the cooking area. An appetizing smell wafted over from the pot, making his mouth water, and everything in the cave seemed neat and in good order. Does she ever sleep for more than a few hours at a time? he wondered.
Wrapping himself in the blanket, he went out to join her by the fire. She said something pleasant, probably “good morning,” and handed him a steaming bowl. 
When they were both done eating, she knelt in front of him as she had the day before and clearly wanted to communicate something. She gestured at his leg, arm, and chest and then pointed at herself. Then she tapped her head and his head and looked at him questioningly. 
Whatever she wanted to do, he certainly wasn’t going to refuse. He didn’t know why she was even trying to ask, but she wanted his permission for something, so he nodded. She moved closer to him and put one hand on his forehead and another on the back of his skull. The same warm, tingling feeling he’d felt when she had touched his leg began to course through his head.
She stayed in that position for some time while he tried to remain as still as possible. When she moved away from him, she seemed satisfied and was even smiling a little. “How are you feeling?” she asked in his language.
He was certain that his jaw dropped. “What did you do?” Of all the questions he could have asked, this was what he came up with?
But she answered him seriously, “I understand how a brain works. Your language is really not so different from mine, but it would have taken us a while to learn, so I . . .” she searched for the right word, “cheated a bit, maybe?”
Her accent had a lilting, musical quality to it, and she was awkward with her pronunciation, but he could understand her perfectly. “Well, shit, that’s impressive.”
She laughed and nodded. “I guess it is.”

Una storia strutturata in modo particolare, come un racconto nel racconto, che però sto trovando davvero intrigante, sempre più affascinante per quanto riguarda l'ambientazione e la protagonista, e soprattutto molto vi racconterò meglio prossimamente, nella recensione! :)

Adesso ditemi che ne pensate, non tanto del libro perchè da un estratto non si può granché sviluppare un'opinione a riguardo, ma della mia idea di proporre anche Teaser Tuesday dei libri che leggo in inglese, se vi piace o se pensate sia una vera..baggianata? Non saprei, a me è sembrata carina proprio perchè avrei apprezzato in passato provare a sbirciare tra le pagine di un libro in lingua originale! ^^'

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